Greetings and thanks for visiting my website. My name is Tarzan
T66, (my full name was "Karbo Tarzan T66" in Australia) , and this is my
website. I am the only boer buck in the world that has his own
web site and I hope that you enjoy visiting with me.
I am a 100% Full Blood South African Boer Buck that was conceived in
South Africa and born in Australia. I am now living at
Creek Ranch in Robert Lee, Texas.
Through the miracles of
reproduction technology my mother and father conceived me and produced
an embryo which was flushed from my mother and frozen in a nitrogen tank
in South Africa. The man that mated my father to my mother in
South Africa was C.J. duToit. The nitrogen tank that contained me
as a frozan embryo was flown from South Africa to Australia where the
embryo that was to become me, was implanted into a
recipient doe at the Karbo Boer
Goat Stud. I am told that my ancestors include the famous South
African Boer bucks Stallion and Popeye and also a huge South African
Boer buck named Moord. You can see pictures of some of my
grandparents and greatgrandparents by clicking on the icon named
"reference sires" at the bottom of this page or the "reference sires"
icon on the website. The website includes a lot of photos of me as well as more
information about Antelope Creek Ranch, my home in
recipient doe (my surrogate mother) held me for five months and gave birth to me.
She raised me like her own kid and when I was old enough to be weaned, I
was put into a pasture with a bunch of other buck kids about my age
where I grew into a fine young man.
I was first used as a
breeding buck for a commercial meat goat herd in Australia and I worked
very hard to do my job. I worked so hard that I lost quite a bit
of weight and did not look too good. In fact, I was skinny.
You might have called me a "lean, mean, breeding machine" at the time.
One day a man in Australia happened to be
visiting the ranch where I was living at the time and he saw me
in the pasture. Even though I was pretty thin, this man could see
the potential and my excellent conformation and
structure. The man bought me and took me to his ranch where I
was treated like a King! I was given the best of food and
care and in a few months I was in such good shape that I began to attend
boer goats shows in Australia. I am happy to say that I think I
did pretty well, at least that is what my owner seemed to think.
You can check out my showing winnings by by clicking on the icon
"Tarzan T66's Winnings" at the bottom of this page.
My best
showing at a show in Australia was when I was declared the 2001
Australian National Reserve Champion Boer Buck. That was one of
the best days of my life and I will always remember it. Everyone
treated me as if I was something really special. Besides my
attendance at the national show, several of
my young sons also went to the
show. What many people have called my best son, Klein Tarzan, went
to several shows in Australia with me and Klein Tarzan also won a lot of
show awards. You can see Klein Tarzan's show winnings by clicking
on the icon :"Klein Tarzan's Winnings" at the bottom of this page.
In 2002, Mr. Chris Glynos
of Bethlehem Boer Goat Ranch in
Bethlehem, Connecticut made a
call to Australia to inquire about buying Klein Tarzan and bringing him
to America. As the discussions progressed over several months it
was decided that Chris would buy Klein Tarzan and that I was to go to
America with Klein Tarzan. A program was established whose purpose
was to bring the newest boer goat genetics to the United States and to
promote the genetics of the Tarzan T66 line. Boy! Did this make me
feel special! A program designed to promote and advertise me and
my kids!
When it became time to come
to America, Klein Tarzan and I spent 60 days in quarantine in Australia
and then another 30 days in Los Angeles, California. While in
quarantine the food and care was great. In fact, when we got on
the trailer to make the long drive from California to Texas, Klein and I
looked like
we were ready to go into the
show ring.
Fred Homeyer of Antelope
Creek Ranch picked me and Klein Tarzan up in Wichita Falls, Texas for
the final 200 mile drive to my new home, Antelope Creek Ranch in Robert
Lee, TX. When we arrived at Antelope Creek there were several
people there to meet us and everyone wanted us to walk around the pen
and pose. It seems that people have been taking pictures of us for
quite some time now so we have learned how to "pose for the camera and
say cheese", except in my case I don't say cheese, I say haygrazer or
Klein and I have been
together all of our lives and I really enjoy having my son beside me at
our new home. I like living at Antelope Creek a lot. I
am surrounded by beautiful ladies and I get fresh water, fresh food and
plenty of hay every day. I spend the days enjoying the sunshine
and having folks drop by the ranch for a visit. I
keep hearing people talk about breeding services and I think
this has something to do with me. In any event people bring photos of
some beautiful boer does and their pedigrees and I think that sometime
soon I am going to get to meet some of these beautiful girls.
When I first came to
America I was owned jointly by several people but I understand that
Antelope Creek and Fred Homeyer bought half of me a couple of weeks
after my arrival. Around the first of May I overheard Fred talking to
some people that had come to look at me and I heard Fred say that he had
purchased the other half of me and now Antelope Creek Ranch is my proud owner.
Boy! It feels good to be wanted and appreciated!
Fred comes by to check on
me several times a day and he always has some kind words and some gentle
petting on my shoulder and head. I like living in Texas and I look
forward to meeting some of you all (Y'all if you're from Texas) in the
near future. You can make an appointment to come see me by calling 325-944-2056. Just tell them Tarzan T66
sent you!